SuperCare Smile Makeover
Early Superannuation Access Dental Treatment
Risk-Free Dental Financial Assistance
Stress-Free Smile Makeover Financing
Seamless SuperCare Application Process
Superannuation for Dental Procedures
$699 SuperCare Service Fee
Australian Taxation Office Approval
Dental Treatment Travel Costs
Partner's Dental Procedures Superannuation Access

Using Superannuation for Veneers and Crowns

Dec 12, 2023 | Dental Crowns, Education, Porcelain Veneers

Did you know that you can use your Superannuation to cover the costs of Porcelain Veneers or Zirconia Crowns? In this blog, we’ll explain how you can access your Super for dental treatments through SuperCare. Discover the benefits and why many are choosing this payment option.

Why Use Superannuation for your Dental Treatment?


Clients are turning to their Superannuation for dental treatments for several compelling reasons:


Debt-Free Smile Makeover

Using your Superannuation for dental treatments offers a unique advantage – it allows you to enhance your smile without incurring debt. Unlike traditional financing options, there are no repayments or interest associated with using your own funds. This means you can achieve your dream smile without adding financial burdens or undergoing credit checks.


Freedom from Repayment Stress

When opting for Superannuation, you liberate yourself from the stress of repayment plans. The funds from your Superannuation are readily available for your dental treatment, providing a hassle-free way to invest in your oral health without worrying about ongoing payments.


No Interest Accumulation

Choosing Superannuation to cover dental expenses ensures that you won’t accumulate interest over time. This financial freedom allows you to focus solely on your Smile Makeover journey without the added pressure of interest rates.


Addressing Dental Pain or Discomfort

Using Superannuation for Veneers or Crowns goes beyond cosmetic enhancements; and provides a solution for individuals grappling with immediate dental conditions causing pain or discomfort.


Covering Additional Costs

Beyond covering the expenses directly related to your dental treatment, Superannuation savings can also be used for associated costs. Whether it’s travel expenses or dental procedures for your partner, using your Superannuation offers a comprehensive solution to address various aspects of your dental care journey.


Partner’s Dental Procedures Included

The flexibility of Superannuation extends to cover not just your dental treatment but also those of your partner. This inclusive approach allows you to address both your and your partner’s dental needs.


SuperCare Smile Makeover
Early Superannuation Access Dental Treatment
Risk-Free Dental Financial Assistance
Stress-Free Smile Makeover Financing
Seamless SuperCare Application Process
Superannuation for Dental Procedures
$699 SuperCare Service Fee
Australian Taxation Office Approval
Dental Treatment Travel Costs
Partner's Dental Procedures Superannuation Access

The Benefits of Choosing SuperCare


Our valued partner, SuperCare has helped thousands of eligible Australians gain early access to their Superannuation to pay for their dental treatment. Let’s delve into the distinctive benefits that come with choosing SuperCare for your Smile Makeover financial assistance:


Choosing SuperCare for your Smile Makeover journey comes with a significant advantage – it’s entirely risk-free. In the unlikely event that your application for early Superannuation access is not approved, the $699 service fee paid to SuperCare is fully refundable. This ensures that you don’t bear any financial burden if your application doesn’t proceed successfully.



Starting your Smile Makeover should be a stress-free experience, and SuperCare excels in making that possible. SuperCare takes charge of the intricate application process, which involves direct communication with your treatment team and the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on your behalf, streamlining the process and ensuring a hassle-free experience for you.



SuperCare’s collaboration with us goes beyond the application process. The team at SuperCare works directly with our clinic, effortlessly collecting all the necessary documentation required to support your application. This hassle-free coordination ensures that your application is comprehensive and meets all the requirements, expediting the approval process for a smoother transition into your Smile Makeover journey.



Recognising that each individual has unique circumstances, SuperCare provides tailored support on a case-by-case basis. Their services extend to cover a wide range of dental procedures, ensuring that your specific needs are met throughout the application process.



SuperCare facilitates the fast-tracked approval of your Application to the ATO so you receive your dental treatment when you need it. This ensures that you receive approval swiftly, typically with funds available for use within 2 – 4 weeks of the application being lodged.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Does It Cost?

SuperCare charge a one-off Service Fee of $699. In the unlikely event your application is unsuccessful, SuperCare will refund this amount. 

What Do I Need To Do?

We love that SuperCare makes the process so straightforward for our Clients. 

1.  Take 5 minutes to complete a Free Online Assessment to see if you're eligible for a Smile Makeover.

2. Check that you have adequate funds in your Superannuation. If you do not have adequate funding, you will need to cover the remaining balance. 

3. Let us know you would like to apply for early access to your Superannuation. 

4. Speak with SuperCare once to confirm your eligibility and pay the $699 Service Fee to SuperCare. 

SuperCare and CosMediSmile go to work in the background to ensure we gather the required documentation. After that, the SuperCare team take care of your application and liaises with the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) on your behalf. 

Who is Eligible?

All Australian Citizens and Permanent Residents who have funds in their Superannuation are eligible to apply.

How Long Will It Take?

Most clients have their funds available within 2-4 weeks of their application being lodged. As soon as we receive the funds, we’ll be in touch to book in your Smile Makeover.

Can I Use My Super for the CosMediSmile Deposit?

Yes, you can use your Superannuation Savings to pay your CosMediSmile Deposit. 

How Much Can I Withdraw From My Super?

Clients can gain access to the full amount required for their Dental Treatment.

Should I get Financial Advice?

Yes. Any decision to withdraw from your Super should be well-considered and we recommend Clients seek professional advice to gain a clear understanding of the potential financial, taxation and insurance implications before proceeding. 


Yes, you can elect to use our super to pay for dental treatment for your you, your partner or even both of you. 

Further Information

Interested? Start your Smile Makeover journey today with a Free Online Assessment to see if Veneers or Crowns are right for you.