Types of Veneers at CosMediSmile

When it comes to veneers, there are a variety of options available to enhance your smile. The top 3 types commonly used by Cosmetic Dentists include:

  • Porcelain Veneers
  • Composite Veneers
  • No Prep Porcelain Veneers

However, at CosMediSmile, we have a clear and unwavering preference for Porcelain Veneers. Our commitment to excellence leads us to choose Porcelain Veneers as the sole option for your smile makeover. While other veneer types have their pros, our focus is on delivering the ultimate in cosmetic dentistry through Porcelain Veneers.


What Type of Veneers are Best?

To start, it’s important to point out that the right type of veneers for you, may not be the right kind for someone else. There are numerous factors to consider when deciding what type of veneers are best, including:

  • Cost
  • Durability
  • Stain resistance
  • Materials
  • Veneer shade
  • Final look/finish (translucent or opaque)

In this blog, we’ll go over the pros and cons of the different types of veneers to help you work out which is the best veneer type for you. If, at any point, you’d like to discuss this further with our friendly Client Support Team, contact them on 1300 000 633.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain Veneers are handcrafted from ultra-thin ceramic porcelain. At CosMediSmile, we only use the highest quality IPS E-max porcelain to ensure absolutely stunning and long-lasting results (up to 20 years when cared for properly). Porcelain Veneers are considered the gold standard of smile makeovers—they’re strong, durable, and resistant to stains. Like all veneers, they fit over existing teeth to address:

  • Teeth gaps
  • Small sized teeth
  • Stains/discolouration
  • Minor misalignments
  • Chipped, cracked, or broken teeth
  • Thin enamel

Because of their quality, Porcelain Veneers do incur a slightly higher upfront cost, however they will protect and shield your teeth from further deterioration for years to come.

Porcelain Veneers also have an extremely natural finish and can be custom-matched to your desired tooth shade.

The downside is that, in most cases, tooth preparation is required. This means that to fit Porcelain Veneers, Cosmetic Dentists must remove a small layer of enamel and slightly reshape your natural teeth. Temporary Veneers must be worn while Ceramic Artists craft Porcelain Veneers, and this can take up to one week.

Still, the end result is a whiter, brighter smile—a spectacular smile transformation that is permanent and cannot be reversed.


Composite Veneers

Composite Veneers offer an instant smile transformation. Unlike Porcelain Veneers, after the client impression moulds are ready, these veneers can be crafted chair-side so that clients can walk out and instantly show their new smile off to the world.

Made from specially engineered composite resin (a white filling material), Composite Veneers are strong, durable, and have a natural appearance.

While they cannot be whitened after they’ve been fitted, Cosmetic Dental Experts can mix different resin materials to achieve a bright, white shade.

The process of fitting Composite Veneers is non-invasive. Minimal tooth preparation is required, so there are no needles or downtime after the treatment. However, dentists may need to slightly etch the natural teeth to assist with veneer adhesion.

Composite Veneers can be used to create a fuller, more symmetrical smile, free from discoloured or cracked teeth. If cared for correctly, Composite Veneers can last 7 – 10 years. Compared to Porcelain Veneers, Composite Veneers are a cost-effective option (less initial custom crafting required), though they may need to be redone or repaired sooner. Though initially slightly higher in cost, Porcelain Veneers can last up to 20 years with proper care, offering superior value in the long run.


No Prep Porcelain Veneers

You may have heard of No Prep Porcelain Veneers, which promise a swift and painless path to a whiter, more symmetrical smile. 

The major benefit of No Prep Veneers is less time spent in the dentist chair. These veneers are also a great option for clients who are worried about:

  • Tooth sensitivity (the treatment process is non-invasive and pain-free)
  • Permanent smile changes

While these veneers offer certain advantages, we do not recommend them at CosMediSmile due to several important considerations:

Durability and Longevity: No Prep Veneers, while convenient, do not offer the same level of durability and longevity as their traditional counterparts. They typically last between 5-7 years when properly cared for. In contrast, Porcelain Veneers, which we exclusively offer, can endure up to 20 years, providing a longer-lasting solution.

Translucent Finish: No Prep Veneers feature a translucent finish, which means they may not effectively conceal significant staining, allowing it to show through the veneers. In contrast, Porcelain Veneers are highly opaque, ensuring a complete coverage of such dental imperfections.

Inability to Address Alignment Issues: No Prep Veneers are not suitable for addressing major alignment issues, as they do not involve tooth reshaping or significant enamel removal. If you have alignment concerns, Porcelain Veneers provide a more effective solution.

While No Prep Veneers offer the advantage of minimal chair time and are less invasive, their trade-offs in terms of durability, transparency, and limited applicability to certain issues make them less appealing to us as the superior choice for our clients. 


How to Find the Right Type of Veneers

When selecting the veneers that are the best fit for you, consider factors such as cost, durability, stain resistance, materials, veneer shade, and the final aesthetic result. At CosMediSmile, we highly recommend Porcelain Veneers due to their outstanding features, including remarkable durability, excellent stain resistance, and a natural appearance. These aspects make them our preferred choice.

Ready to start your journey towards a stunning smile? Take advantage of our Free Online Assessment. This 5-minute process will allow our Cosmetic Dental Experts to provide you with a tailored treatment recommendation and a personalised, obligation-free quote.

To find out more about the three main types of veneers, take a look at our blog, our most frequently asked questions, or get in touch on 1300 000 633.

Disclaimer: Any information provided should be used only as an information guide and not CosMediSmile giving advice. Please ensure you do your own valid research and seek advice from expert Cosmetic Dentists to enable you to be fully informed.